观一展而知天下新车 2021日内瓦车展前瞻_新车_汽车频道 ...:2021-2-4 · 国际五大车展,论参展车型的数量和质量应伡日内瓦车展居首,1月北美车厂余热还没消退,3月日内瓦又要来一大波。就目前的情况看,本届日内瓦的重磅新车依旧规模宏大,具体有多少,自己往下看看表就知道了。
- HSV-1 is transmitted through oral contact and results in cold sores around or in the mouth.
- HSV-2 is transmitted through sexual contact (or shared sexual toys) and results in symptoms like painful blisters and sores that affects the genital region.
- HSV-1 may lead to genital herpes if the virus comes in contact with the genital area (i.e. oral-genital contact during oral sex).
A herpes infection does not always produce symptoms or may only show up with mild symptoms. Because of this, as much as 25 % of the people infected with the herpes infection are ignorant about their condition or may not recognize the symptoms. This ignorance about the infection as well as the lack of symptoms increase the risk of individuals transmitting the virus to their sexual partners unknowingly.
If an individual is infected with herpes and symptoms do show up, the first outbreak will typically occur 1 to 2 weeks after exposure to the virus. Prior to an outbreak, individuals may also experience prodromal symptoms such as an itching sensation beneath the skin or redness of the skin. Additional symptoms of an infection outbreak also include:
- Flu-like symptoms or fever
- Reduced appetite
- Itching, burning, or discomfort in the affected area
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- Muscle aches
- Swollen lymph nodes around the genital area or neck
- Feeling of pressure in the area below the stomach (for genital herpes)
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- Vaginal or penile discharge (for genital herpes)
Finally, groups of small red bumps develop around the affected area into fluid-filled blisters (vesicles).
- For oral herpes, these lesions will show up on the mouth, gums, lips and tongue.
- 观一展而知天下新车 2021日内瓦车展前瞻_新车_汽车频道 ...:2021-2-4 · 国际五大车展,论参展车型的数量和质量应伡日内瓦车展居首,1月北美车厂余热还没消退,3月日内瓦又要来一大波。就目前的情况看,本届日内瓦的重磅新车依旧规模宏大,具体有多少,自己往下看看表就知道了。
- In men, the outbreak symptoms will show up on the penis, scrotum, on the thighs, around the anus or buttocks.
Eventually, these blisters will rupture as open sores or shallow ulcers that will be painful to touch. Over the next 1 to 2 weeks, the ulcers will become crusted and begin to heal without any scarring.
Women may also experience pain or difficulty urinating, and foul smelling discharge if herpes blisters are present inside the vagina. In some cases, women who contract genital herpes can suffer from cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix), urethritis (inflammation of the urethra) or meningitis (inflammation of the fluid surrounding the brain).
[新京报]原子能楼被拆,感情和记忆无法重建_正义网 - jcrb.com:2021-6-23 · 据媒体报道,位于中关村的中科院原子能楼日前开始了拆除工作,被拆已成既定事实。而上周,一些中科院的院士与职工,还在想办法争取将原子能楼保护下来。大伡舆论对于原子能楼的拆除,并无太大的反应。据悉,原子能楼拆除后,原址或将建起国家纳米中心实验室。
Once infected with the herpes virus, the virus stays dormant in the skin and can become “reactivated” – triggering recurrent outbreaks from time to time. Currently, there are no available cures or medications to kill the virus completely.
Typically, infected individuals can expect a couple of outbreaks to recur per year, especially during the first year after the primary outbreak. Over time, recurrent outbreaks decrease in frequency, become much milder and do not last as long as the primary outbreak.
Medical experts do not yet have any concrete medical evidences on what may cause the virus to become “active” again but infected individuals believed that recurrent outbreaks can be triggered by:
- A weaken immune system
- Fatigue
- Bodily injury
- Illness or infections
- Surgical trauma
- Emotional or physical stress
- Medications
- Unhealthy diet
- Poor lifestyle habits
- Prolonged exposure to sunlight or ultraviolet light
Women are more vulnerable than men to experience more recurrent outbreaks due to additional factors such as menstrual cycle and pregnancy.
The first primary outbreak of herpes symptoms is usually the most severe and prescription antiviral medication is usually needed to provide relief for the pain and discomfort as well as to accelerate the healing of the ulcers and sores. Common antiviral medicines for the treatment of primary and recurrent herpes outbreaks include Acyclovir (Zovirax), Valacyclovir (Valtrex) and Famiciclovir (Famvir).
For patients suffering from oral herpes (HSV-1), a topical acyclovir or penciclovir (Denavir) may be prescribed to relieve the discomfort associated with oral blisters.
Note: Antiviral drugs can only temporary stop the viral replication of the virus and speed up the healing but do not eradicate the HSV virus in the body nor can it prevent the frequency or severity of future outbreaks.
广中医仙葫院区19日开业 从17日起至月底门诊诊查费将全免 ...:2021-7-19 · 7月19日,广西中医药大学第一附属医院仙葫院区举行开业庆典伜式。广西中医药大学第一附属医院仙葫院区位于广西南宁市仙葫经济开发区仙葫大道327号,地处南宁市东部核心地带,紧邻东方广场及仙葫经济开发区管委会,是仙葫开发区唯一医疗规划。
For individuals who are experiencing recurrent outbreaks and do not want to take antiviral drugs, there are also over-the-counter creams such as HERP-B-GONE that can be used to significantly reduce pain and decrease the length of time of recurrent episodes.
Further steps that one can do at home to manage and promote the healing of active herpes sores includes:
- Keeping the infected area dry and clean and avoiding contact with the sores
- Drinking more water to prevent dehydration and flush out bad toxins
- Wearing cotton underwear and loose fitting clothing to prevent tight contact with the lesions
- Taking sitz baths for symptomatic (pain) relief
Nobody exactly knows what are the causes that may trigger a HSV outbreak but some medical experts believe factors like a weak immune system, stress, menstrual periods and bodily injuries are possible reasons that can increase the chances of a recurrences of herpes outbreaks.
For patients with chronic herpes outbreaks (more than 6 outbreaks per year), most doctors will recommend a daily low dose of the antiviral medicines as a form of suppressive therapy. With suppressive therapy, the frequency of herpes recurrences can be reduce by as much as 70% to 80% per year. Ongoing suppressive therapy also has the added benefit of reducing the probability of transmission to an uninfected sex partner.
Other than suppressive therapy of antiviral medications, infected individuals who are looking for a more natural approach to prevent or minimize the recurrences of future herpes simplex outbreaks can also go for supplements or diets high in lysine, zinc, vitamins A and C.
Lysine has been founded by researchers that it can help block arginine, an amino acid in the body that is linked with herpes outbreaks. So having a diet high is lysine and low in arginine can inhibit the reproduction of the herpes virus and reduce the recurrences of HSV outbreaks. Good food sources that are rich in lysine include fish, chicken, vegetables and beans. Avoid foods like dairy, chocolate, raisins, nuts, seeds, corn and whole-wheat products that are high in arginine that can promote the recurrence of outbreaks.
In laboratory tests, zinc has been shown effective in boosting the body immune system against viral infections such as HSV-1 and HSV-2. As well as optimizing the body’s resistance, zinc also assists with the healing of wounds and scars. To prevent outbreaks, go for foods that are high in zinc content such as dairy products, legumes and most sea foods.
直击MWC:“5G+折叠屏”燃爆 中兴通讯站到“C位”-国际在线:2021-2-26 · 当地时间2月25日,世界移动通信大会(MWC)在西班牙巴塞罗那开幕。当日早间,记者抵达展馆,直击主要手机厂商新品发布会伡及5G部署情况。华为、中兴、三星等手机厂商在会上展示了最新款的5G及折叠屏手机,此外,记者注意到,MWC期间
In addition to good dietary diets, getting plenty of sleep and relieving stress through mediation, breath exercise or even self hypnosis can help to decrease the frequency of herpes outbreaks.